Scholar Research


From a student's viewpoint, scholarly research serves as a cornerstone in preparing a workforce unlike any other.

Our belief lies in the intrinsic connection between the future of industrial research and groundbreaking discoveries in academia. Scholarly partnerships, therefore, place a premium on research activities. Within the scholarly ecosystem, our legacy is rooted in nurturing curiosity and fostering the fundamentals of questioning that curiosity. We actively engage in the pursuit of the "why," unraveling mysteries and understanding their potential positive impact on humanity.

Our ambition is to contribute to a world where knowledge isn't just acquired aimlessly but is harnessed as a driving force for sustainable responses to the evolving challenges faced by humanity and its surrounding environment in a constantly changing world.

Industrial Research  


The world around us today is a testament to continual improvement driven by the pursuit of enhanced efficiency, essential in meeting the demands of a rapidly changing and evolving environment. The research and discovery of more efficient solutions have profoundly reshaped our perspectives, altering the way we think, perceive, and approach various challenges. One of the enduring legacies of research is the boundless array of solutions that mankind can uncover through steadfast determination in seeking greater efficiency. These discoveries consistently propel us into new roles and assignments, marking an evolution in our approaches.

In times past, animal efforts were pivotal in logistics and transportation, yet today, engines and technology have assumed these roles. However, even with these advancements, new challenges emerge. Despite the evolution, our fundamental task remains constant: to surmount emerging challenges with effective solutions. Each new challenge invites us to innovate and adapt, building on the legacy of efficient problem-solving.

+Why Research


"The pursuit of more efficient research tailored to a rapidly evolving world, where staying relevant is paramount, is more than a mere mission for us; it is our overarching purpose, one that we actively share with our partners. The emphasis that American universities place on research is evident in the tangible outcomes, underscoring the significance of research and its integration into every stage of student life, starting from the earliest years.

Today, this value is not unilateral; it's a shared ethos. One of our most pervasive shared values in partnerships is a dedication to research. Our research endeavors focus on analyzing and proposing solutions to immediate challenges that impede progress, all stemming from shared values and a collective purpose."



+Initiative and Impact 


Our initiative engages around Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 



A systematic ongoing effort that requires human effort by analyzing and applying critical thinking with the involvement of natural facts for meaningful purpose.  

Science today transforms lives through technological innovations, medical breakthroughs, and environmental solutions, enhancing our quality of life.


Technology encompasses the utilization of scientific knowledge or processes to propose efficient solutions through critical thinking.

In today's world, technology is transformative, enhancing communication, information accessibility, automation, and overall efficiency, significantly improving convenience in our daily lives.



Engineering is the realm of science and technology focused on designing, constructing, utilizing, comprehending, restoring, or renovating engines, machines, or structures, using related knowledge.

Presently, engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping lives through the development of infrastructure, technological solutions, and innovations, addressing global challenges, and enhancing daily experiences.


Mathematics encompasses the study, comprehension, and application of scientific knowledge associated with numbers, quantity, or space.

Mathematics serves as a cornerstone for technological advancements, financial operations, scientific developments, and everyday problem-solving. It fuels innovation and plays a vital role in shaping modern society.

+Economic Impacts



At the core of our research endeavors and institutional partnerships lies a commitment to prioritize the communities associated with our partners. Recognizing the significance of community welfare, the Anyiligo board has decided on a 6% return on profit policy for any community where we invest or collaborate, ensuring financial support for their development. Our emphasis on community transcends mere philanthropy; it defines us, shapes our values, and ensures our sustainability in the long run. Our research initiatives are dedicated not only to achieving financial gains but primarily to innovating solutions that directly enhance the quality of life within our partner communities.



The foundation of every influential nation's success is rooted in knowledge acquisition and the ability to be the first to comprehend and apply that knowledge. An educated populace is pivotal in fostering a nation's economic growth. Numerous accessible studies underline the vital role of education in nurturing both national and communal economies. National economic advancement invariably begins with individual prosperity, a connection deeply tied to education and knowledge.

In today's rapidly evolving world, the correlation between education and financial stability is undeniable across various sectors including agriculture, media, finance, medicine, security, entertainment, and logistics. Success is no longer solely reliant on physical labor; it now pivots on precise timing, accuracy, and effectiveness. While it may seem that the wealthiest individuals or countries are not necessarily the most educated, a more nuanced understanding reveals the critical role of leadership that comprehends the indispensable tool for sustainability – engineering. This tool is synonymous with humanity's unique capacity to build, repair, or deconstruct almost anything.

For those who understand management and possess a profound comprehension of their industries, the trajectory is directed toward shaping the future. A knowledgeable society is better equipped to navigate an unpredictable tomorrow by grasping the dynamics of the global landscape, adeptly adapting to the ever-changing circumstances, and crucially, forecasting potential catastrophes to mitigate their impact. This foresight not only sustains an established economy but also minimizes the chances of starting afresh due to severe setbacks.




Why Agriculture Matters

Sustenance is fundamental for human existence, and in environments plagued by severe starvation, productivity and progress dwindle. Energy, both physical and mental, fuels societal contributions. Lack of food extends beyond indigenous concerns; it significantly impacts energy levels, thereby impeding collective progress.

Social Instability:
Historically, scarcity of food and water has forced human migration, resulting in social instability. This instability disrupts established communities, leading to insecurity and a weakened economy due to an unsustainable population mismatch.

Agriculture is pivotal in providing materials for human shelter. Components like rubber, cotton, and animal skins, essential for construction, rely on natural sustenance. Even animals that provide materials for shelter depend on a natural diet for good health.

The agricultural industry serves as a significant employer, fostering labor opportunities in various value exchange arenas like supermarkets and restaurants. Nearly every facet of daily life, from computer components to wooden and plastic infrastructure, owes its existence to agriculture, requiring a collaborative effort from many individuals.

Critical to a community or country's economy, the exportation of food remains essential during both peacetime and crises. It supports regions lacking resources or environments for self-sufficiency in vital products.


Stem's Role in Sustaining Agriculture

Productivity and Efficiency Enhancement:
Technological advancements have significantly transformed agricultural practices, augmented productivity while reducing human effort. The reliance on physical labor has shifted to more efficient mechanization, enhancing overall economic output.

Understanding Soil and Ecosystems:
Modern science's integration into agriculture is undeniable, evident from fertilizers to pest control and soil rejuvenation. However, concerns over excessive chemical use necessitate a balance between technological advancements and environmental sustainability for long-term viability.

Encouraging Innovative Thinking:
Innovative agricultural practices leverage scientific methods and logic to promote sustainability and improve ecosystems. These initiatives foster a secure food supply and ensure healthier growth and production methods, contributing to food security.

Understanding the multi-faceted role of agriculture, from sustenance to employment and economic stability, underscores its indispensable importance in society's fabric.



logistic and infrastructure


Importance of Logistics and Infrastructure:

Clean Water:
Clean water sustains cultural practices, health, and traditions among natives, ensuring their well-being and hospitality toward visitors. Access to clean water fosters mutual respect, upholds cultural values, and supports community health and continuity.

Essential for modern conveniences and cultural preservation, electricity empowers connectivity, education, healthcare access, and economic development in remote areas. It preserves indigenous heritage while meeting contemporary needs, promoting growth, and enabling sustainability.

Safe Roads:
Safe roads ensure access to ancestral lands, cultural connections, and community well-being for natives. They also reflect respect for visitors, ensuring safe passage, and honoring traditions of hospitality and care.


STEM's Contribution to Logistic and Infrastructure Sustainability

Research & Innovation: STEM fields drive research into water purification, wastewater treatment, and water resource management, fostering efficient and sustainable water use.

Environmental Science: STEM studies the impact of human activities on water quality, enabling strategies to mitigate pollution and protect water sources.

Engineering Solutions: STEM expertise develops infrastructure for clean water access, such as filtration systems and sustainable irrigation techniques, ensuring safe water for communities.

Engineering & Technology: STEM innovations focus on energy generation, transmission, and storage, developing renewable sources like solar and wind power for sustainable electricity.

Research & Development: STEM fields enhance energy efficiency, improve electrical grids, and develop technologies like batteries and smart grids for reliable electricity distribution.

Science & Mathematics: STEM studies inform electrical systems, supporting advancements in electronics and computational models that optimize electricity production.

Safe Roads:
Engineering & Technology: STEM disciplines contribute to road design, traffic management, and infrastructure improvements, using innovative materials for enhanced safety.

Data Analysis & Modeling: STEM fields analyze traffic patterns, predict hazards, and design safer roads, contributing to safer transportation.

Innovation in Transportation: STEM advancements in vehicle technology complement road safety efforts, reducing accidents and improving overall safety standards.

Understanding how STEM fields contribute to logistics and infrastructure underscores their crucial role in sustaining fundamental aspects of societal well-being and progress.

Security and assurance 


Why Security and Assurance Matter



Life Threat and Instability:

  • Investor Impact: Security instability raises risks for investors, deterring commitments and disrupting business operations, leading to financial losses and reduced confidence.

  • Citizens' Impact: Instability breeds fear, limits economic opportunities, and undermines safety, impacting daily life, economic prospects, and trust in governance.

How STEM Sustains Security:



  • Forensic Techniques: Scientific methods aid evidence collection, analysis, and crime scene reconstruction, supporting investigations.

  • Data Analysis: STEM-driven analytics assists in pattern recognition and risk assessment for criminal investigations.

  • Technological Tools: Engineering advancements provide surveillance systems and forensic technologies essential for investigations.

  • Biometric Identification: STEM contributes to biometric systems aiding in suspect identification during investigations.




  • Data Analysis: STEM analytics offer insights into voter behavior, informing political strategies and campaigns.

  • Technological Advancements: Innovations contribute to secure voting systems and platforms for political communication.

  • Policy Development: Scientific research informs policy decisions, influencing political agendas on various issues.

  • Information Dissemination: STEM-based tools facilitate information sharing, shaping political opinions and public engagement.


Threat Avoidance:

  • Cybersecurity Solutions: STEM develops encryption methods and threat detection systems to safeguard digital infrastructure and data.

  • Surveillance Technologies: Engineering advancements aid in threat detection and monitoring, enhancing situational awareness.

  • Predictive Analytics: STEM predicts threats, enabling proactive measures and risk mitigation in defense and security.


STEM's interdisciplinary approach and technological advancements significantly impact security, supporting investigations, political processes, and threat mitigation across various sectors.




Why Medicine?

First aid medicine holds immense importance for both locals and foreigners for several reasons:


Immediate Response: In emergencies, knowledge of first aid allows individuals to offer immediate care, minimizing the severity of injuries or potentially saving lives before professional medical help arrives. This is crucial irrespective of nationality.

Global Travel and Safety: For foreigners, especially travelers or expatriates, possessing first aid knowledge is essential as they might encounter unfamiliar healthcare systems or language barriers in accessing immediate medical care.

Community Health: Within native communities, having first aid skills means being able to assist neighbors, friends, or family during accidents or medical emergencies, fostering a safer and more resilient community.

Cultural Exchange: Sharing first aid knowledge promotes cultural understanding and empathy, fostering a sense of community and support among both natives and foreigners.

Empowerment and Preparedness: Knowing first aid instills confidence and readiness, enabling individuals to respond effectively in crisis situations, regardless of their background or location.

Ultimately, first aid medicine transcends borders and cultural differences, providing a universal skill set that contributes to individual and community well-being for both locals and foreigners.

Positive Promotion and Legacy:
Investing in medical development brings about positive outcomes and leaves a significant legacy for both investors and foreigners in several ways:

Improved Healthcare Access: Investment in medical development enhances healthcare infrastructure, services, and accessibility, benefiting both locals and foreigners by providing better treatment options and facilities.

Economic Growth: Advancements in medical research and healthcare attract foreign investment, stimulate local economies, and create job opportunities in healthcare, research, and related sectors.

Innovation and Technological Advancements: Medical development fosters innovation in technology, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare systems, attracting foreign expertise and investment while leaving a legacy of cutting-edge advancements.

Health Tourism: Robust healthcare systems resulting from medical development often lead to health tourism, drawing foreigners seeking high-quality medical treatments and contributing to the local economy.

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Medical development encourages knowledge exchange, research partnerships, and collaborations between investors, foreign experts, and local healthcare professionals, leaving a legacy of shared expertise and advancements.

Improved Quality of Life: Medical advancements positively impact the overall quality of life for both locals and foreigners, leaving a lasting legacy of better health outcomes and well-being.

Global Reputation and Diplomacy: A country's commitment to medical development elevates its global reputation, fostering positive relationships with foreign investors, governments, and organizations, leaving a legacy of trust and credibility.

Investing in medical development not only generates financial returns for investors but also contributes to a lasting legacy of improved healthcare, innovation, economic growth, and global partnerships beneficial to both locals and foreigners.


How stem contributes to the medical field's evolvement. 


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields contribute extensively to the evolution of the medical field in several ways:

Advanced Medical Imaging: Engineering innovations in STEM have led to the development of cutting-edge imaging technologies like MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound, enabling precise diagnosis and treatment planning.

Biomedical Engineering: STEM disciplines drive advancements in prosthetics, medical devices, and wearable technology, improving patient care, mobility, and quality of life.

Genomics and Precision Medicine: STEM-based research, particularly in genetics and computational biology, has propelled precision medicine, offering personalized treatments based on individual genetic profiles.

Drug Development and Discovery: STEM fields aid in pharmaceutical research, computational modeling, and drug design, expediting the discovery and development of new medications and therapies.

Telemedicine and Health Informatics: Technological advancements in STEM support telemedicine, remote monitoring, and electronic health records, enhancing healthcare accessibility and data-driven decision-making.

Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine: STEM-driven biotechnology has paved the way for breakthroughs in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and stem cell therapies, offering new treatment avenues.

Data Analytics and Healthcare Management: STEM-based data analytics optimize healthcare operations, patient management, and predictive analytics, improving efficiency and resource allocation.

Overall, STEM fields serve as the backbone of innovation in the medical field, driving advancements that revolutionize healthcare delivery, diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes.


+Where it happens


Composing Institution

The composing institutions within Anyiligo represent the entirety of principal universities involved in its network. These universities are furnished with advanced infrastructure not only at their central sites but also in additional locations. This infrastructure comprises sophisticated tools that facilitate various operational activities. These sites function as versatile labs where analyses and testing of findings take place. The environments are purposefully constructed with specific measures to ensure they are conducive to hosting and conducting research activities.


Partnering institutions

The institutions aligned with our vision, values, and programs often possess their designated infrastructure for research endeavors. These infrastructures can be privately owned, institution-owned, or even government-owned, facilitating various stages of research. However, certain phases of research might encounter limitations in these settings. When Anyiligo is involved, we intervene by leveraging alternative infrastructures owned by the composing institutions to ensure the completion of the research process. This intervention allows us to supplement and complement existing resources to achieve comprehensive research goals.


National facilities

Government-owned research facilities can vary in their accessibility and purpose. Some facilities are open to the public, aiming to promote transparency and collaboration by allowing broader access to research resources. Conversely, other government-owned facilities might have restricted access, primarily for senior researchers, specialized projects, or sensitive studies requiring controlled environments or classified information. The level of accessibility often depends on the nature of the research being conducted, security concerns, and the policies or regulations governing the facility.


Installation centers

Anyiligo may establish facilities designed to serve specific purposes within the realms of research, education, or innovation. These facilities can vary in nature:

Fixed Facilities: These are established physical spaces, such as laboratories, research centers, or educational institutes, built to accommodate specific research endeavors or educational programs. These spaces often house specialized equipment, resources, and infrastructure tailored to support particular scientific or educational objectives.

Portable Facilities: In certain cases, Anyiligo might utilize portable or mobile setups to facilitate research, especially in fieldwork or outreach programs. These could be temporary labs, mobile classrooms, or adaptable equipment that can be transported to different locations to support various initiatives.

The purpose of these facilities is to provide environments conducive to conducting research, promoting education, or fostering innovation, depending on the specific goals and initiatives of Anyiligo or its affiliated institutions.


Independent Operation facilities

Absolutely, there are instances where individuals or groups, who were not initially partners with Anyiligo, establish facilities to support specific projects. These facilities might range from garages or makeshift spaces to more specialized setups depending on the nature of the project. Anyiligo might later collaborate or support these endeavors if they align with the organization's mission, goals, and ethical standards.

Many groundbreaking innovations in science and entrepreneurship have indeed started in humble settings, such as garages or small spaces. These environments, while initially basic, can serve as the breeding ground for transformative ideas that later evolve into significant ventures. Anyiligo remains open to collaborations and innovations that align with its vision, irrespective of the initial setup or origin of the project.



+Research Support and Funding


Research support and funding are sustainable tool important to the execution of an established plan. 


Support (settings)

Supporting scholarly research is integral to the successful execution of established plans, underlining the significance of research support and funding as sustainable tools.

In our commitment to scholarly inquiry, we provide resources aligned with our vision and ethical framework. This support primarily revolves around offering the necessary environment and infrastructure to facilitate research operations. At the core of any research endeavor is human capital, ranging from experienced professors to specialized professionals, students, and interns. Each individual contributes unique skills and expertise crucial to the research process.

Additionally, material resources and cutting-edge technology play a pivotal role in enabling specific solutions required for research projects. These resources are essential for conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing findings effectively. Certain research pursuits necessitate dedicated settings, which may encompass infrastructure or specialized laboratories, serving as the foundational space for comprehensive exploration.

Our endeavor is to foster an environment where scholars receive comprehensive support, encompassing the right people, tools, technology, and environments necessary for their research objectives.



  1. Internal funding refers to investments or support allocated directly by Anyiligo to a research project.

  2. External funding, on the other hand, involves funds that do not originate directly from Anyiligo but are directed by Anyiligo's guidance toward suitable funders that share aligned objectives. These external funds may constitute investment or budgetary support designated for appropriate involvement in aligned projects.


+Partnering with innovation


To unlock and access innovation at its highest level Anyiligo has established a partnership at (2) two levels.   


Dependent Partnerships: Dependent researchers are those who initially embarked on a project with direct involvement from Anyiligo. These partnerships are chosen by Anyiligo based on a shared vision and values that align with the company's objectives. Anyiligo selects projects it believes hold significant potential for change and positively impacting communities and humanity. The success of these partnerships relies on the support and engagement provided by Anyiligo and is intended to assist individuals connected to partnering institutions or community initiatives.


Independent Partnerships: Independent researchers are individuals who commenced their projects without prior involvement from Anyiligo. Upon reaching a substantial milestone but sensing unrealized potential, they seek additional resources to fully realize their innovative ideas. They can propose their projects through affiliated partnering institutions, which Anyiligo evaluates for possible intervention. After successful review, Anyiligo provides a unique code and email address for direct communication, allowing the proposer to briefly present their ideas and await a response from Anyiligo.